Making our house our home.

Monday, May 16, 2005

A few house-y updates

I haven't updated in a while, mainly because we haven't done much with the house or yard. It's been rather cold and nasty lately. It even snowed a little bit on the first of May.

My parents, Bob and Mikki, came to visit last weekend. We gave them the grand tour of the house and neighborhood, and introduced them to our fencing gear as well:

They brought with them the last piece of furniture that's going to fit in our living room - a 1940's waterfall style cedar chest. It was originally a gift to my grandmother from her mother. We need to add some furniture oil to the chipped part on the bottom, but other than that, it's a beautiful piece of furniture with family meaning for us.

After having brunch on Sunday, we went to Linder's to find a little bit of color for the yard. We ended up with a really simple solution - a hanging basket of pansies. I have much bigger plans, but for now they look nice.

I also divided the hostas in the front planters, so that they'll fill in the space a little better. It remains to be seen whether I killed them or not!

The grass that Craig planted is coming in nicely - we're starting to look like we have an actual yard.

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